My venture's resources:
1) Product approval from the Food and Drug Administration: This is valuable because it will serve to legitimize our products to a much greater extent than if they were not FDA approved, which could affect which stores carry them as well. This resource is not particularly rare, but it is time-consuming to acquire and not doing so would be a major impediment to getting the company going. This resource is easy to copy only in that other companies can seek FDA approval as well, the process is equally rigorous for competitors. There are no substitutes for this resource, not having it would limit the product to the shelves of homeopathy quacks.
2) A space to grow the cannabis for the CBD-based medicine: This is valuable because it will enable us to produce the main component of the product, cannabis, on an industrial scale. This resource is also not particularly rare, and definitely much easier to acquire than the above. Again, quite easy to imitate if only because there are bound to be numerous large properties that fit the bill which competitors could utilize. There are other resources that can be used in substitute of this, such as large pieces of property for outdoor growing, but a large indoor space is ideal.
3) Staff to grow and harvest said cannabis: This is valuable because like a large grow space, numerous employees with horticultural experience will enable us to turn out the components for quality medicine on an industrial scale. Horticultural labor is not rare at all, lots of people want to work in the medical cannabis industry, at all levels. Easy to imitate due to the high number of people wanting to work in this industry, even at the entry level. The resource itself does not exactly have a substitute, but there is a large labor pool, so individual employees are easily replaced.
4) A space for the CBD extract to be turned into medicine: This is valuable because without this space there would be no medicine, a designated space for this is absolutely necessary. While not particularly rare, finding and preparing a space that would meet FDA guidelines might be tricky or time-consuming. Again, only as susceptible to copying as their are other locations that competitors could utilize. There are not really any substitutes for this resource, it is necessary to both production and to FDA approval.
5) Specialists to facilitate and oversee this process: This is valuable because without such specialists the likelihood of turning out a safe, effective product is very low, as is the likelihood of any sort of FDA approval or wider sale. This resource is fairly rare, as the job requires both an understanding of horticulture and botany as well as pharmaceutical knowledge. This resource is only as inimitable as there are specialists in this field available for work, if there are none, then competitors are out of luck. There is not really any substitute for this except for maybe working with a larger pharmaceutical company to produce the product, but the idea of that does not sit well with me morally.
6) A website and mail service to distribute the product: This is valuable because it will greatly expand the number of potential customers who can purchase and receive our products in a convenient manner. This resource is not really rare at all, it is quite simple to have a website created for a company, and the products should be able to be shipped through the usual carriers without any problems. This resource is, however, easily inimitable, for the same reason that it is not rare. The only real substitute to this is operating exclusively out of brick and mortar pharmacies, which would greatly limit the reach of the company.
7) Brick and mortar pharmacies that will stock the product: This is valuable because it will expand the number of potential customers that the company can reach, and the ease and quickness with which they can purchase medicine for their pets. The rarity of this resource may vary, there is no telling for sure how much trouble a company would run into getting these products stocked in mainstream pharmacies, though medical cannabis pharmacies would surely stock it. Again, only as inimitable as there are pharmacies that will stock these products. The online-only substitute is not ideal, but it would be okay while the company is still starting out, but eventually a physical presence in stores would become a requirement.
8) Approval from veterinarian groups so members will prescribe our products: This is valuable because with this approval, veterinarians will be able to prescribe our medicines to patients, increasing the number of customers we can reach as well as the manner through which we can reach them. This resource is rarer than most, if only because these groups are not obligated to approve a product in the same way the FDA is if it undergoes their rigorous tests, which could make it hard to get our foot in the door for the endorsement in the first place. This resource is probably the hardest to copy for the same reasons it is hard to obtain. While there are not really any substitutes other than approaching veterinarians directly, a move that pharmaceutical reps do all the time, the approval of these groups is not absolutely necessary to success.
9) Advertising beyond word of mouth, both online and off: This is valuable because online and offline advertising will allow the company to increase public awareness of its products, leading to increased sales. This resource is not rare since it really only entails finding advertisers to run the ads and advertising firms or designers to create them. Although the resource itself is easy for competitors to copy, it would be legally challenging for them to copy it in any way that would hurt the brand. The only real alternatives to this resource are either advertising solely online or offline, or not advertising at all. The former would be difficult, but could eventually be made to work, the latter would sink the company altogether.
10) Funding to acquire the above resources: This is valuable because there is no way that one person could acquire all of the above resource to make a company such as this work. Funding for cannabis enterprises is not particularly rare nowadays, it would really only be a matter of creating a good pitch and getting our foot in the door with somebody who would be willing to fund the endeavor. Once again, this resource is only as inimitable as the number of investors there actually are. There is no substitute for starting funds, this is the most necessary resource, full stop.
My top resource: I think that of all of these, the top resource would be FDA approval of my products. Not only will this resource serve to legitimize my products and my brand, it will also help to facilitate other resources like funding, approval from veterinary organizations, willingness of pharmacies to stock the product, and the willingness of young professionals to come work for my company. Without this resource, my product would most likely be consigned to the shelves of homeopathy shops, not the place for it to be by any means.